Sunday, April 18, 2010

Food For Thought -- 4/17 - 4/18

OK, OK... so I didn't post yesterday... Oh well. I doubt anyone cares anyways. Well, today, I had an amazing day in The City with my good friend Kkas. It was nice; We were out for 10 hours straight, but it felt like it was several days... and there's a HUGE difference between driving there VS. taking BART or something. But, it got me thinking... Do we really need so many cars on the road? And how much longer is our "oh, the next person will take care of it" attitude still be so common before we will be even more pressed to start taking initiative as individuals and stop relying on others to take care of a problem for us? We all repeatedly see, day in and day out, that no one is going to do stuff for us. It is a rather disturbing trend, among others. What that all is referring to [and how it relates to cars] is why peoples' opinions on becoming more eco-conscious and taking a step to help the environment. I hate how people just don't care about earth, and how their choices are going to affect not only themselves, but others, in the short and long terms... It's sickening, almost... just almost... FFT.

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